Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday['s Weather

Current Conditioins:  5:06PM

Temp: 64F
Wind: 16 mph WNW Gusts 26 WNW
Dew Point:  50F
Humidity: 63%
Pressure:  30.00"

US: Current Weather

There is curerntly a low pressure crossign right over us.  the wind has picked up and the clouds have increased to form a thick layer of stratus.  The radar shows there is some scattered storms behind the low.  There morving to the north and may or may not hit us at this point.  The south wind from yester day was pretty dry and kind of killed the develpment of any storms. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday's Weather

Current Conditions: 7:41 PM

Temp: 66F
Dew Point: 34F
Humidity: 30%
Wind:  8 mph S Gusts 19 mph S
Pressure: 29.88"

Today has been a picture perfect day no clouds and a high of 70, it doesn’t get much better than that.  A high pressure system moved down from Canada yesterday and has been right over us all day keeping the winds calm and the skies completely clear.  The high looks like it will move out tonight as a low front out of the west will take its place bringing some moist air out of the pacific.  Scattered storms look like they will fallow the front. The Unisysis forecast models show possible storms in about 36 hours.

NAM - US - SL Pres/Prec - 4Panel 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesdays Weather

Current Conditions:  9:35PM

Temp: 52°F
Wind: 4 mph NW gusts 23 NW mph
Dew Point: 49°F
Humidity 94%
Pressure: 29.91"

its been a while since the last post school has been completely out of hand. The weather has been really interesting lately.  we've had a ton of rain and warm weather.  we had a nice south wind that kept feeding mid latitude cyclones one after another for about the last week.  we have finally had some good thunder storms as well.  One of them this weekend was particularly nasty lightning was cracking in what sounded like the front yard for hours.  Today we saw a slight change in weather pattens as a cold front moved in and created widely scattered showers  instead of the intense thunderstorms.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesdays Weather

Current Conditions:  11:16AM

Temp: 64F
Wind: WSW 10 MPH Gusts WSW 10 MPH
Dew Point:  57F
Humidity:  78%

Last night a strong line of thunder storms came through the cities, but moved north and skirted us for the most part.  We did get quite a bit of rain, but the thunder and hail went around us.  There was also a pocket of dry air in font of the storm and caused it to weaken as it moved over us.  Right now all that water vapor is being sucked up and is being used to generate another storm.  a beautiful mid latitude cyclone is over us right now.  the warm south wind will bring nice temps today but also provide some serious fuel to the cyclone.  We should see another potentially more powerful storm come through tonight.

NAM - US - SL Pres/Prec - 4Panel

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tusedays Weather

Current Conditions:  12:27PM

Temp:  52F
Wind: 14 mph S gusts S 14 mph
Dew Point: 48F
Humidity: 58%
Pressure:  29.82"

the strong south wind has brought us pleasant temperatures today and clear skies this morning but that warm moist air is producing clouds and conditions conducive to thunderstorms are building.  The clouds will build into the afternoon as the warm front to our west and the more stationary front to the south start to mix.  The high pressure coming out of the rookies right now combined with the low over the mid-west will likely break apart and create a mid-latitude cyclone latter today and into tomorrow driven by the warm wet south wind I would expect thunder storms into the next 12-24 hours. The water vapor map shows high concentrations to our south as well as behind the rookie mountain high.  The forecast models show in 24 hours that low pressure will be on top of us and produce precipitation.  As it passes through and combines with the wet air to our south in 36 hours it will regain strength and really develop into a potentially strong mid latitude cyclone in 48 hours. 

Infrared Satellite - US Current

NAM - US - SL Pres/Prec - 4Panel

Surface Data - US Current

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday's Weather

Current Condtitons: 7:25pm\

Temp: 57F
Wind: 8 mph SW Gusts 14 mph SW
Dew Point: 45F
Humidity 63%
Pressure:  29.89"

Today was a bit warmer than yester day a high pressure is just sitting over us right now.  However warm weather is in the forcast this week as well as thunderstorms.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

cool picture

found this picture on national geographic  some really cool lenticular clouds over mt. Rainer

Thursday’s Weather

Current Conditions: 4:00 PM

Temp: 52F
Wind: N 6 mph Gusts N25 mph
Dew Point:  24F
Humidity 34%
Pressure: 30.12"

The skies have cleared as the high pressure has settled in.  We have a steady north wind coming down out of Canada bringing slightly cooler air.  We are under a freeze warning for tonight due to the clear skies and north wind.   This system will probably stick around for a few days a bring us average temps and clear skies for the weekend.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuseday's Weather

Current Conditions: 10:35 am

Temp: 56F
Wind: SSW 7mph Gusts SSW 6 mph
Dew Point: 28F
Humidity: 34%
Pressure: 29.75"

Today is the nicest day we've had in a while thanks to the south west wind that’s bringing warm dry air our way.  The skies are clear again today and should say that way until latter tonight when we might see increasing cloud cover.  The forecast calls for a good chance of rain tonight as that stationary front moves our way slowly mixing with the cold front to our north.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday's Weather

Current Conditions:  2:37 pm

Temp: 6oF
Wind: NW 12 mph Gusts NW 19 mph
Dew Point: 34F
Humidity: 38%
Pressure:  30.02"

Today has turned into a beautiful spring day, this morning was cold, but the sun quickly warmed things up.  there are a few cumulous clouds floating around, coming out of the North West  indicating there is nice weather on the way.  A stationary front has developed on the front range of the rookies resulting in a south wind over the Midwest,  A high pressure in Canada is causing the NW winds were experiencing, but there is mixing of the warmer southern air and the Canadian high over Minnesota right now.  The radar is showing some scattered precipitation and cloud development as a result.  The rain and clouds are moving south east towards us. We’ll probably see some clouds start to move in by latter afternoon, but this will probably dissipate and the high pressure in Canada should dominate. However once that stationary front breaks loose we could have the right conditions to produce thunderstorms.  This should be watched closely over the next day or two to see what happens.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Weather

Current Conditions: 4:30 pm

Temp: 63F
Wind: W 12 mph gusts W 36 mph
Dew Point: 44F
Humidity: 50%
Pressure: 29.86"

Last night we saw the development of a mid lattitude cyclone just to the west of us.  It wasent very intense, and was probably more of an an alberta clipper. The clouds statrted to break up a few hours ago and now we have cumulous clous coming out of the west.  The warm air from the south that was blowing in this morning brought some nicer weather.  Things are starting to clear up and the low pressure in moving out making way for slightly cooler western air.   

Sunday, April 15, 2012

storm update

its 10pm and the rain still hasn't started, it looks like the line of sever weather is weakening, due to the drier air that came through earlier and cleared the skies.  the dry air makes it harder to sever weather to be produced and should diminish the risk for really sever weather, however it looks like we'll still see some good thunderstorms and smaller hail. Just not the 2.5in diameter stuff they were calling for earlier.  there shouldn't be to much of a risk for tornadoes either.  without the moist air to fuel the storm not much will happen.

saturday/sunday weather

Current Conditions

Temp: 72°F
Wind: S 23 mph gusts S 34 mph
Dew Point: 54°F
Humidity: 55%
Pressure: 29.28

well the weather is pretty crazy right now and throughout this weekend.  Yesterday was beautiful a strong south wind brought nice warm air up with it, which is currently fueling the current storm system.  it look like were going to get hit with by a strong well developed thunder cell last night, but it shifted just to the south of us at the last  second and we only got a small amount of rain.  This morning was warm and muggy, but the humidity burned off by 2, however the sky still looked threatening all afternoon.  Then oddly the sky cleared completely,  the sun went down over a clear blue sky in every direction. it's rare to see blue bird skies while under a tornado watch thats for sure.  Right now the clouds look to be moving in but its hard to tell since its dark, but the wind is picking up and i think the temp is starting to drop, all indications of an approaching storm.  the radar is showing a very strong line of storms passing through the cities right now.  However the south wind is slowing the movement of the storm system.  Were seeing storms right on the convergence of a low font where all the warm air is moving over the top of the cold arctic air and creating sever storms, not just here but all across the midwest.  Last night 5 people were killed by a tornado in oklahoma and there looks to be equally powerful storms across the country right now.  

 Clear skies from earlier today...Weird

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fridays Weather

Current Conditions

Temp: 54°F
Wind:  SSE 17 mph gusts SSE 27 mph
Dew Point: 36°F
Humidity: 51%
Pressure: 29.90"

A strong south wind has signaled a large pressure change, that began yesterday afternoon.  Clouds have moved in with the low-pressure system that came out from the rookies and certainly poised to bring precipitation tonight and tomorrow.  we got light rain earlier today as the leading edge of they system arrived, but this low pressure is full of moisture and could produce some thunder storms.  right now the south wind is bringing warm moist air up from the gulf along the low front.  it looks like there is a mid-lattitiurde cyclone enveloping in north west minnesota as the air masses start mixing.  it should be interesting to see how that developed over night and into tomorrow. we might see some nice spring thunderstorms this weekend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesdays Weather

Current Conditions:

Temp: 54°F
Wind: 0 mph gusts 5mph NE
Dew Point: 22°F
Humidity: 29%
Pressure: 30.26"

It's extremely calm and clear right now as we are near the center of the massive high pressure system thats occupying the central part of the country.  The continental polar high brought about freezing temps last night and expected to do so agin.  another freeze warning has been issued and temps could hit 24° tonight once agin putting plans in danger.  this High pressure system thats broth all this sun and cold nights has really taken hold a stationary front on the edge of the rockies is gaming up a lot of moisture out west. temperatures are also much more moderate out there as well.  there s also a low pressure system over the east coast right now causing some rain.  This huh pressure system isn't moving very fast and will hold out again tomorrow, but the forecast is calling for clouds and rain this weekend as well as some slightly warmer temperatures.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesdays weather

Todays Conditions

Temp: 32°F
Wind: 4 mph NNE gusts 27mph NNE
Dew Point: 19°F
Humidity 59%
Pressure 30.21"

temperatures have already reached freezing and its only 10:43pm, it looks like the plants have a long cold night a head of them.  The calm winds and the higher humidity are not helping the cause, the cold air will sink tonight and the moisture might produce some frost.  The dew point is low and this air mass is very dry, but the plants are still venerable to this type of cold.  Skies are till clear adding the cold conditions, the continental polar air mass has brought our temperatures down and the jet stream patterns are looking like they will hold for a few more days of clear cooler weather.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mondays Weather

Current Conditions

Temperature: 43°F
Wind: 15 mph NW Gusts 26 mph NW
Dew Point: 20°F
Humidity: 38%
Pressure: 30.08"

Its currently cool windy and sunny out,  I think there were a few cirrus clouds overhead the last time i checked, but the satellite map shows there is clouds just to our north east.  Its hard to tell weather they will hit us or not.  that cloud system is a cold air mass that is producing some swirling winds and some light scattered snow in northern minnesota. The Pressure should rise thought the day as that high pressure system still hasn't quite reached us yet, so we probably won't see much for clouds.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sundays Weather

Current Conditions

Temperature: 59°F
Wind : 23 mph W Gusts 33 mph W
Dew Point: 20°F
Humidity: 20%
Pressure: 30.04

Currently in Janesville were experiencing some scattered showers and have stratus clouds overhead.  The Radar says its not raining in Eau Claire and the clouds might be starting to break.  The rain is being produced by the tail end of a warmer low pressure system as a really dry high pressure from the south west is moving our way.  By tomorrow morning the weather will stabilize again and well return to dry and sunny conditions for quite some time.  wind direction should switch shortly and start coming out of the south west as the front moves in.  this dry continental air mass thats coming through is also bringing a fire weather warning for Wisconsin.  Since the air is so dry and the wind is so high were have good conditions for fire.  That's a warning you don't see very often around here, however temps are below the critical burn point so we should be alright.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday's Weather

Current Conditions

temperature: 61°F
Wind: NE 12 mph gusts NE 19 mph
Dew Point: 25°F
Humidity: 25%
Pressure: 30.00"

Today is a beautiful spring day the skies are completely clear and the temperature is pleasant.  The High pressure system that moved in last night has really stabilized the weather and not much is going on in Eau Claire today.

The violent tornados that ripped through dallas yesterday didn't claim any lived, but it looks like it did some significant damage. Hundreds of homes and business were destroyed or damaged, there some nasty pictures of semi trailers that were picked up and thrown.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday's Weather

Current Conditions

Temp: 60°F
Wind: 6 mph NE Gust NE 24 mph
Dew Point: 24°F
Humidity: 25%
Pressure: 30.00"

Last night a rather powerful yet small thunderstorm rolled throughout Eau Claire at about 2 am. It left .22 in of rain as well as some hail that probably woke just about everyone up.  Thunder and lightning was also prevalent while the storm lasted, however it moved through pretty quickly. This morning was cool and damp humidity was around 80% at 8am due to the cold air and the high amount of water vapor contained in the front.  Stratus clouds covered the sky till about 2 or 3 this after noon. Then the sun began to shine as higher pressure moved in from the west, and pushed out the storm system.  Clear skies and mild temperatures looks like they will stick around for a while.

As we were drying up from last night's rain a texas size storm swept through the dallas area. At least 3 tornados have been reported in the Dallas - Ft. Worth area. A tornado emergency has been called for in dallas, two large paths of destruction have been reported. semis were picked up and thrown, roofs were ripped off houses, and gold ball size hail as well and intense lightning was reported.  However one of the most interesting things about this storm is that is was live blogged.  I was able to read up to the minute tweets of the events, and see pictures and videos of tornados as they were happening. Apparently thats will happen when such a large storm hits such a populated area.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's Weather

current conditions

Temperature: 66°F
Wind: 17mph SE gusts 27mph
Dew Point: 40°F
Humidity: 39%
Pressure: 29.77"

We are currently on the edge of an incoming low pressure system that could produce some rain and possibly thunderstorms a little later tonight.  The surface data shows the low pressure front moving our way.  Look for the wind to shift the the South West latter as an indication that the front is here.  the warm moist air from the south is will rise and cool over the wedge of cooler air that occupies the eastern half of the day. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday's Weather

Current Conditions

Temperature: 53 F
Wind: 15 mph ESE gusts 20 mph ESE
Dew Point: 32 F
Humidity: 45%
Pressure 29.93

This morning started off cold temperatures dipped below freezing last night for a little bit hitting 30F.  Hopefully that didn’t hurt the blooming plants too bad.  Right now there is a layer of cirrus stratus clouds overhead.  Rain looks to be in the forecast for tonight as the radar indicates there is a fairly well developed storm coming out of central Minnesota right now.  I should hit us in next few hours. The Storm system it on the leading edge of a low pressure system so the warmer air is sliding over the wedge of cold air, and creating precipitation. After the rain passes tomorrow the low pressure system should bring some warmer air to up for the next few days.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesdays Weather

Current Conditions

Temperatures: 71°F
Wind: 18 mph SW30 mph gusts
Dew Point 53°F
Humidity: 51%
Pressure 29.56

The morning started out cloudy and cold.  Stratus clouds hid the sun and the temperatures we're in the 40's for most of the morning. Around noon the clouds broke and the wind picked up.  This morning we had winds of 5-10 mph its now 15-20 mph.  The south western winds pushed warm air up into the region pushing out yesterdays cold rapidly.  There was a chance for thunderstorms this morning with the strong south wind, but that has passed as the clouds have left.  Tomorrow will be cooler as the wind direction will shift to the the north east. the surface data shows the wind swirling at the edges of the two fronts.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Weather

Todays Conditions

Temperature: 61°F
Wind: 7mph ENE gusts 10mph
Dew Point: 39°
Humidity: 44%
Pressure 29.97"

The weather was beautiful again today skies were clear and wind has shifted to the NE due to a small high pressure system thats in northern Minnesota thats causing the air to rotate away from it. Look to see the the wind continue to shift throughout the day tomorrow. The warm weather will continue it to the forceable future as long as we stay in the current jet stream pattern.  were getting warm southern air pushed up as the cold air continues to stay to our north.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Round Two?

It certainly looks like we have some more rain coming out of the south west some dark stormy looking nimbostratus clouds just developed.  the radar is also showing some weaker scattered showers starting to form down wind of us.  


Weekend Update/Mondays Weather

The weather this week end was exceptionally nice.  a south wind blew all weekend and broght perfect weather on saturday and sunday.  Saturdays highs were in the mid 60's and the skies were mostly clear.  sirius clouds combined with the south wind provide us with a warning that the weather wouldn't last.  Sunday was even warmer and has calmer winds.  But around noon the alto Strauss clouds rolled in, and by sun set ominous looking stratus clouds were here.  The rain come at about 1 am I think and lasted till 9:35 this morning, just minutes before I had to walk to campus.

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 51°F
Wind: 11mph ssw gusts ssw 22 mph
Dew Point: 44°F
Humidity: 77%
Pressure: 29.65"

The form systems are benign to move out of the area as the wind has started to shift to the west.  The satellite images show a well developed mid latitude cyclone is responsible for the rain.  its being pushed ton the north east by low pressure from the south west.  the sky keeps changing every time i look outside, currently it looks like war have cumulous stratus.  with some lower level clouds being caused by evaporation.  however the low press looks like it will bering clear skies and things should start to clear up by the afternoon.  this front is benign us more warm air and things should be very nice thought out the week.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fridays Weather

Todays Conditions

Temperature: 29°F
Wind: 0mph gusts NNW 18 mph
Dew Point: 0°F
Humidity: 30%
Pressure: 30.51"

The high pressure is here.  There is not a cloud in the sky and the flag is dead still,  it looks beautiful out side but it's colder than it has been lately.  It doesn't look like temperatures will get much above freezing today.   Things will start to change tonight though.  There is a low pressure warm front coming out of the plain states that should get here tomorrow morning ant really start warming things up. high are projected to be approaching 60 tomarrow and sunday will be nice and warm too.    

Thursdays Weather

Todays Conditions

Temperature: 28°F
Wind: NW 18 mph Gusts 41 mph
Dew pont: 5°F
Humidity: 39%
Pressure 30.21"

I high pressure front just moved thought the area resulting in high winds.  as this rapid pressure change takes place the leading edge of the front will produce stung winds for the next several hours. This morning started out clear with mild winds out of the west cirrus cloud began to move in and by noon we were seeing alto stratus clouds as the wind continued to come out of the west.  temperatures were cold today due to the change in wind direction and the high pressure front coming in from the rookies.  the high pressure looks like it will stick around fro tomorrow but move out by Saturday

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday's Weather

Today’s Conditions

Temperature: 48F
Wind: 8mph SSW gusts 11 mph
Dew Point: 42F
Humidity: 82%
Pressure: 29.55"

The temperature is extremely high the wind is still pretty strong out of the south and the clouds keep building. We now have what looks like cumulostratus clouds overhead.  The radar shows rain showed beginning to develop to the north of us I think that will continue and the air masses continue to mix and within a few hours well see some rain. The air is humid and the dew point is fairly high as this low pressure continues to push out the cold front conditions are right for spring showers.    

Upper Mississippi Valley sector

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday's Weather

Todays Conditions

Temperature:  47°F
Wind: 0mph Gusts S 13mph
Dew Point 39°F
Humidity: 74%
Pressure: 29.61

Todays was a beautiful day.  It started out crystal clear and cold, the temps were in the low 20's early this morning. However things warmed up fast as the warm front moved in,  we observed the south east wind bringing in this warm front, cirrus clouds were over head by 8:30 and remained there as the wind died down a little. By 4pm the cirrostratus cloud associated with the warm front were visible on the horizon. the warm front is bringing low pressure that looks like it will produce precipitation by morning.  the thinking layer of clouds will trap some of the days heat in and keep temps probably above freezing all night.

The warm weather did in fact bring the fish to the surface for a little bit making for a beautiful after noon of weather watching and dry fly fishing.  I managed to trick 2 nice browns into taking by hand tied dry fly.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday's Weather

Today’s Conditions

Temperature: 28F
Wind: 7 mph SSW Gusts 7 mph
Dew Point:  17F
Humidity 63%
Pressure: 30.18"

There's currently a layer of alto stratus clouds overhead, the winds out of the south and is bringing warmer air up our way. We’re currently seeing a low pressure system slowly move in from the west.  This system also contains warm air and should cause the temps to rise nicely tomorrow. For the rest of the day, look for temps to rise quickly into the mid 30's and the clouds to hang around for the rest of the day. 

Even though the weathers pretty boring today its excellent for fishing.  The above freezing temperatures will bring out the midges and cause trout activity to increase. They were pretty slow moving this weekend due to the cold snap, and are probably hungry and feeding on the surface.  The water levels have been really good, but the warmer weather will cause the snow to melt and look for the rivers to start to rise a little today.  It will be interesting to see how much snow melts tomorrow; if the temps are in the 50's it could result in high water during mid-week.   

Sunday, March 4, 2012

saturday/sundays weahter


Highs in the upper 20's winds at 15 to 20 mph stratus cloud and intermittent snow best characterize yesterdays weather.  The intense low pressure system that rolled in and bought all the nasty weather was starting to move out, but was still producing some light snow.

yesterday was the early season trout opener the weather was not pleasant for fishing I couldn't feel my fingers or toes for the better part of the day.  This cold front was more like December weather than the beginning of March.  the snow was beautiful to watch on the trout stream but the cold is not appreciated.  thankfully the cold front has started to pass and spring like weather is in the forecast.

Sundays Conditions

Current temp:  17°F
Todays high: 25°F
Wind: 0 mph gusts W 7 mph
Dew Point: 10°F
Humidity: 74%
Pressure: 30.03"

Today started much like yesterday. Intermittent light snow fell again today around noon, but by about about 4 the stratus clouds broke and cumulus clouds moved in.  The wind died downed and the high pressure system moved in bringing clear skies.  As this front moves in it will bring nice warm weather this week.



Friday, March 2, 2012

Fridays weather

Todays Conditions

Temperature: 36°F
Wind: W 7mph gusts W 8 mph
Dew Point 31°F
Humidity: 85%
Pressure 29.56"

Low pressure persists thought out the mid west today bringing stratus clouds to us, but intense storms else where. Souther Wisconsin is getting hit with heavy snow fall and rain right now creating dangerous driving conditions and low visibility.  They are experiencing a storm very similar to what we got this week.  They may even get more precipitation.  The surface data is showing similar pattern to what we saw this week.  moist air is being pulled up from the gulf and is swirling around over wisconsin and continues to feed the large low pressure system thats siting over the mid west.  This is whats continuing to generate there large powerful storms. Tornadoes are being reported as currently on the ground in Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio.  Sever thunderstorms are being produced by this system and are stretching from Louisiana to Illinois.

This weather channel video is talking about the tornado forecast for this afternoon there is a very good change for a serious tornado outbreak today.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursdays Weather

Todays Conditions

Temperature: 32°F
Wind: 1mph S gusts 4mph
Dew Point: 31°F
Humidity 100%
Pressure 29.76"

today was cold and damp. the temperature never got much above 32 and and the south wind fourth more damp air to the area creating a type of cold that will cut right throughout you.  starts clouds blanketed the  area today and are now producing some light snow fall.  It's mainly to the north of us but we are currently getting some intermitten light snow.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

storm update

its 9:17 and its snowing hard one again.  After extremely heavy snow fall this afternoon it switched to rain  then sleet now its back to thick wet snow.  there about 2.5" on the ground and its still coming down hard. It's 33°F but the snow is falling.  The main low pressure system is about to hit us and will probably bring the strongest precipitation of the night.  were only about 20 miles from the snow/ wintery mix line so its likely to switch back to sleet ding the night depending on how the air mixes.  The wind is out of the east right now indicating colder air that will produce snow.




Tuesdays Weather

Today's Conditions

Temperature: 28°F
Wind: SSE 10 mph gust 13 mph
Dew Point: 26°F
Humidity 93%
Pressure: 28.00" dropping

Well the big one is finally here.  The snow started at about 2:30 and began coming down hard for the last two hours.  However it's currently not snowing at 4:30.  The wind is still coming out of the south east and its bringing warmer moisture rich air with it.  the radar maps is indicating the line between snow and sleet is approaching quickly indicating that warm air is almost here and the precipitation will switch shortly.
Theres only about an inch or so of snow and that will probably melt in the next few hours.  overall this storm system is quite large and its gaining strenght as the warm air from the south and the moist air to the north swirl together the surface map shows how the wind is interacting with this front.  The majority of the precipitation associated with this storm is rain, much of it is south of us where the center of the storm seems to be concentrated.  I would say the forecast from yesterday missed the mark.  it's not much of a winter storm, and the snow accumulations are not that significant. its become more of an early spring rain shower for Illinois than any thing else.  the warm air from the south pushed pretty far north causing this to turn into rain.

